What Is Web Development?

Web development is one of the fastest-growing professions. It involves coding and programming that makes websites and applications work for users, planning and building the website, testing features, and providing maintenance.

Strong programming skills and the willingness to learn new coding techniques are necessary for success, along with attention to detail and creativity as other vital qualities.


NichollsWebConsulting web development AdelaideHTML is one of the foundations of NichollsWebConsulting web development Adelaide, defining how a website’s content should be structured. While it is possible to build an entire site using just HTML alone, its aesthetic would likely lack sophistication, and features would likely remain limited. HTML may be combined with CSS and JavaScript – called front-end programming to enhance their attractiveness and functionality.

Design can make or break a business. If a website appears outdated or takes too long to load, customers could leave and damage its brand image. Therefore, web developers must possess extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming languages.

These languages are designed for building websites and can be integrated with multiple platforms. They may feature content management systems that make managing site content more straightforward and tools known as “linters”, which help developers discover errors in their code more quickly.

Website design requires the appropriate skillset, which may prove challenging without HTML knowledge. Front-end web developers are in high demand, and possessing this skill is integral to becoming one. Even if learning HTML doesn’t become your goal, knowing HTML can open doors in other fields.


Before CSS was invented, web pages needed to include much formatting information directly in their HTML code, making website development arduous when dealing with multiple styles and pages. CSS solved this issue by decoupling style formatting from HTML, so managing and updating web pages was more manageable and less time-consuming.

To use CSS, a browser first loads and parses HTML content and style code into a Document Object Model (DOM), a tree-like structure in which each text or attribute in markup language becomes its node within this model. From there, CSS applies its style according to the class or ID number assigned for that node in its tree structure.

Getting started in CSS writing can be done online through various resources available on the internet, from courses and tutorials that teach everything from the fundamentals through advanced topics, with interactive demos and self-assessments thrown in for good measure.


JavaScript is a programming language that enables web pages to become interactive and add features impossible with just HTML. You’ve probably experienced its power whenever you click dropdown menus or navigate maps on websites; gaming applications use JavaScript, too; it is even used in some aspects of modern technology, like gaming apps and gaming consoles! Popular among frontend developers for frontend development tasks; can integrate easily with frameworks like Angular/Vue/etc.; regularly updated – making learning new libraries more straightforward!

All major web browsers use it as a client-side scripting language, and its popularity stems from working well across platforms and devices, being very fast, reducing server load by eliminating data return transmission back to the server, as well as being capable of detecting security threats such as cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).

JavaScript not only adds interactivity but can also aid page navigation and be used to create sliders and drag-and-drop components that allow users to interact with websites. Furthermore, it can track user input and control multimedia elements like carousels and slideshows; additionally, it may update content automatically according to user actions.


Programming is an integral component of NichollsWebConsulting web development Adelaide and involves writing code that fulfils an owner’s requests for website functionality. Web developers utilise various programming languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript when developing sites; APIs also manage third-party data. To become a successful web developer, it’s necessary to learn these languages and comprehend how they come together when building sites.

Web development is an interdisciplinary field that involves programming, design and communication skills. To be effective as a web developer, you may be required to consult with clients and designers, test features as they’re being constructed and maintain websites once live. Therefore it’s essential that you can communicate effectively within teams to work successfully as part of this career path.