Dental Implants Adelaide: Time-Tested Dental Implants Adelaide

Whether you are missing most of your top and bottom teeth or have ill-fitting dentures that are difficult to chew, All-on-4 dental implants are an ideal solution. They can improve your oral health, comfort, and self-esteem.

To receive an implant, you must visit your dentist for a thorough examination and a range of tests. These will help to assess your jawbone’s health and the size of the available space for an implant. For a time-tested dental implants Adelaide, check this out.

They Look Like Your Natural Teeth

dental implants AdelaideIf you’re missing, have severely cracked teeth or ill-fitting dentures, a dental implant can help restore your smile. These are the closest restorations to natural teeth and offer a permanent, visibly fixed solution for irreversible oral damage.

Dental implants can last long if an experienced surgeon places them and you maintain them properly. It’s not uncommon for implants to last 15 years or longer. That’s a significant emotional, financial, and physical investment worth protecting! The key to success is to find a surgeon comfortable and skilled with placing them.

They’re Built to Last

Dental implants have become the standard in tooth replacement. They’re highly durable; many patients have had theirs for 15 years or more without issues. It’s not unheard of for properly maintained implant teeth to last 25-40 years, making them the longest-lasting dental treatment available. For a time-tested dental implants Adelaide, check this out.

To be considered for dental implants, you’ll need a thorough exam. X-rays and CT scans will help determine if your jawbone is healthy enough to support the implants. A xenograft or alloplastic bone graft can boost the area’s bone if it isn’t.

A dental surgeon must also check that you’re not a smoker, have undergone head or neck radiation therapy, have diabetes or are a nighttime teeth grinder (which affects the health of your existing teeth). These conditions can all interfere with the healing process.

They’re Comfortable

It’s not uncommon for dental implants to last 15 years or more if properly maintained. However, working with a dentist qualified in implantology and with extensive hands-on experience is essential.

A qualified oral surgeon will perform a complete examination to ensure your mouth is healthy enough for the procedure. They will also check if you need a bone graft to support your new implant.

The next step involves placing the titanium tooth rods that will eventually support your new tooth bridge. This can cause some minor discomfort, but the use of Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, or more potent prescription painkillers will help with this. After a healing period, a permanent tooth is attached to the implant. Regular monitoring will continue once the dentist and patient are happy with it.

They’re Convenient

Unlike other tooth replacement options, implants are a permanent solution that won’t affect or alter your adjacent natural teeth. Similarly, you won’t have to put time and effort to keep them clean. For a time-tested dental implants Adelaide, check this out.

Before your implant procedure starts, the dentist will conduct a detailed exam using CT scans (one of the significant improvements since the early days of dental implants). This helps them assess your jawbone health.

Many things can influence whether you’re an ideal candidate for implant treatment. For instance, certain diseases and medications can prevent your body from healing correctly. You must discuss your medical history with the surgeon before starting your procedure. Then, they’ll ensure you get the best possible result. They’ll also help you find ways to finance your surgery or pay for any follow-up visits.

They’re Affordable

Whether you need single-tooth implants or multiple teeth, they will restore your smile and help improve chewing and jaw strength. They are more comfortable and natural than other tooth replacement options. You can eat your favourite foods and speak confidently and quickly.

Implants can last for a lifetime if they are correctly cared for. They are an important investment in your oral health. Your dental surgeon will explain what to expect during healing, how long it takes for the bone to bind to the implant and how to keep it healthy.